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How To practise Machine Learning With MachineHack – Analytics India Magazine

“Artificial Intelligence, deep learning, machine learning — whatever you’re doing if you don’t understand it — learn it. Because otherwise, you’re going to be a dinosaur within 3 years.”— Mark Cuban

In a very short period of time Machine learning and Data Science has become one of the most competitive domains.  We see and hear about Machine Learning and Data Science almost everywhere with a huge demand for skilled employees.

Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics all may sound highly intimidating, but with a humble and easy start, any of these fields can be conquered.

In this short tutorial, I will walk you through one of the most humble and easy ways to start practising your Machine Learning skills using MachineHack’s practise sessions.

Practise ML skills

Do you think you are not carved out to compete yet? practise these skills and then show your mettle!

MachineHack has currently 10 practise sessions where participants can practise 10 popular ML algorithms from simple linear regression to the reputed boosting algorithms.

Top Data Scientists for our Hackathons

Learning Resources

At MachineHack, it’s all about learning. Each practise session starts with a simple definition and example to help you understand the algorithm before diving into the code.

Still hungry? If you are highly curious about the Math part, we have it covered. Every practise session will also introduce you to a number of popular online resources where you can learn the math behind the algorithms.  

Jupyter Notebook On-the-go

Tired of trying to set up your Data Science environment? Worry not. MachineHack gives you one of the best practise environments by providing free jupyter notebooks. Play around with it as you please. You can also download the notebook to practise offline. 

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Algorithms 101

Each and every practise section comes with an explanation of the algorithm in focus along with additional resources to give you a deeper understanding.

Getting Started With Your First Practise Session

Head on to and log in with your registered credentials.

Once logged in, click on the practise button to find all available practise sessions..

Choose a practise session from the list

Click Start Hackathon to go to the practise page

On the side panel find the practise notebook.

Start practising by executing the Jupyter Notebook cells. You can also add more cells and run your own code. 

Watch the video here:

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