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Machine Learning Crossword #10 – Analytics India Magazine

How well do you know the greatest people who contributed to the field of Artificial Intelligence? This is the focus of our 10th crossword in the series. This one focuses on your knowledge of the greatest minds who contributed to the field of AI. Please use the full name of the person without any space. Do give it a try and let us know your feedback.

Access our earlier crosswords here.

How to attempt it.

Click a cell on the crossword grid, or click a clueClick twice on a cell to toggle between across and downThe active cell is highlighted in blueStart typing in the wordHit enter when you are done typing in the wordThe word will turn green or red if you got it right or wrongYou can use the tab and shift-tab keys to move around the crossword, and the arrow keys

Post your answers in the comments. We will post the solution key in a week.
Provide your comments below comments

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