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Top Talks For ML Developers From AIM’s Plugin 2020 – Analytics India Magazine

Created by Analytics India Magazine ‘plugin’ is the next generation biggest online conference for developers and leaders in the data science and machine learning space. It aims to bring the best brains together from all around the world to talk about cutting-edge innovations in a distinctive virtual setting. 

Day 1 of the online conference has started with a number of interactive parallel talks and lots of knowledge sharing from the top analytics leaders. Here is a quick glance to all the talks of Day1 at plugin 2020.

A Glance from the Tech Talks

Sound Based Machine Learning Solution for Industry 4.0

The first Tech Talk of the day was delivered by Sheela Siddappa, Chief Advisor, Data Science at Robert Bosch. In this talk, the speaker talks on how Sensors play a significant role in Digital Twin and productivity improvement topics of the industry. The talk focuses on adapting sound data for analysing the performance of equipment which was explained through a machine learning project that includes sensors, cameras, real-time data, among others. The speaker further explains the evaluation of technology how it transforms from edge to hybrid and finally to the cloud.

Enhance Recommendations in Uber Eats with Graph Convolutional Networks 

This Tech Talk was delivered by Ankit Jain who is a Sr. Research Scientist at Uber AI. In this talk, the speaker started the session by explaining Graph Representation Learning. He discussed topics related to the various tasks on graphs, node classification, link prediction, community detection and network similarity. Further, he gave a detailed explanation of the Graph Neural Network and Learning Framework and how to define an encoder mapping from nodes to embeddings.

Future of Smart Analytics 

In this talk, Anish Sharma, Specialist, Data Science at Altair explains how to leverage a decision tree to draw more insights using Altair’s Knowledge Studio, how data scientists and business analysts use Altair to generate actionable insight from their data. Knowledge Studio is a market-leading easy to use machine learning and predictive analytics solution that rapidly visualizes data as it quickly generates explainable results – without requiring a single line of code. A recognized analytics leader, Altair enables data analytics teams to deploy predictive models with speed and efficiency.

Automated Attendance System (A Capstone Project at Praxis Business School)

This talk was delivered by Aditya Sharma and Ghayathri Karuna, Students at Praxis Business School where they discuss their Capstone project Automated Attendance System. Aditya started the session by explaining the limitations of existing technologies including RFID based attendance system, Linear Discriminant analysis based attendance system, among others. They further discussed their solution design which can mitigate such issues and was taken over by Ghayathri where he explained about the project methodology that includes data gathering and pre-processing and what the reasons behind using the MTCNN model in their project.

One Tap Updater – Update Handwritten Forms in Spreadsheet (Capstone Project at Praxis Business School) 

This session was delivered by two other students of Praxis Business School, Ankit Sekseria and Varishu Pant, where they discussed their Capstone project on One Tap Updater – Update Handwritten Forms in Spreadsheet. Varishu started the talk with a brief description of their project and explained how this project can help organisations in updating the contents of the customer’s empty forms in spreadsheets. They further explained the various stages of their project that includes data collection, data pre-processing, character extraction, training and deploying prototypes.

Lean AI – How to Implement a Production-Ready Deep Learning Model in Twelve Weeks

Dat Tran, Head of AI at Axel Springer AI explained the importance of Lean AI and depicted that the core idea is about creating the most value for the customer at the minimum cost and that can only be achieved by minimising resources, time, energy and effort. He also explained what a Lean Startup is and described that the core component of Lean startup is the build-measure-learn feedback loop and Minimum Viable Product. Further, he discussed the ML product life cycle and the challenges regarding a text-to-speech model.

Open source hardware for AI and its impact on the data center

This talk was delivered by Steve Helvie, VP at Open Compute Project, who shed lights on the change in hardware, data centre density, predictive server modelling and circular economy. In his talk, he focussed on how APAC companies prepare for the next big technology step change in AI while running a heterogeneous infrastructure environment (edge, fog, colo, primary data centre, etc.) as well as discussed the AI J-Curve which is measured by productivity and performance with respect to time and the collabortative community focussed on redesign hardware technology, Open Compute Project that includes various projects such as server, networking, storage, advanced cooling, and other such. 

Portrait of computer vision as a wise old man

The talk by Anubhav Shrivastava, Head of Data Science at Voot Viacom18 is focussed on the examples of consumer video entertainment sector will delve upon everything that’s right there in the playbook of video intelligence and its far-reaching empowerment capabilities, how to use a concise framework to analyse the world of ML computer vision models and talked about the wise, the ugly and the extreme ones, their ability to tackle business challenges and use case economics. 

Preventing Frauds using AI

In this talk, Manish Gupta, Vice President at American Express covered the journey of American Express to explore AI and deep learning technique to generate next set of data innovations by deriving intelligence from the data within its global, integrated network. He discussed about the decision science team, business impact of machine learning, how  American Express is leveraging machine learning techniques and big data to enhance marketing, preventing frauds, customer service and risk decisions with AI framework and much more. 

Data Architectures – are looking in the wrong place

One of the last talks of the day was delivered by Bill Inmon who is considered to be the father of data warehousing. In this talk, Bill walked us through the evolution of text analytics and how he and his organisation have been leveraging data analytics to turn words into wealth. One of their solutions, Textual ETL has been used to find customer loyalty with regards to airlines. The customer feedback was collected and the text is passed through Textual ETL. A standard database was then created to draw insights.

A Glance from the Knowledge Talks

From Silos to Scale – Operationalizing AI & ML across the enterprise

In this talk by Asha Poulose Johnson, VP & Global CIO, Data and Analytics at GE Healthcare focussed on how the strategic shifts can be made and unleash the power of AI/ML to rapidly reap the benefits for the business. Forecasting the AI capabilities, Asha said that in 2025 and beyond the scarcity of data scientists will no longer hinder the adoption of data science and ML in organisations.

Decisions You Can Trust

Deepak Ramanathan, Sr Director, Customer Advisory, Asia Pacific, SAS explained how “new normal” has brought about an immediate need to adjust to the global COVID-19 crisis. He discussed the manual model development and explained the life cycle of the Operationalising Analytics and how it revolves around data preparing, exploring, modelling, registering,deploying, monitoring and retraining. 

Interpretability of ML and explainable AI – Why and why now 

In this talk, Satyamoy Chatterjee, Executive Vice President at Analyttica Datalab brought in clarity around what it means for businesses and how one can leverage the progressive research in this field to drive explainability without sacrificing on accuracy. He shed on the technique for AI explainability, LIME i.e. Local Interpretable Model agnostic Explanation.Further, he discussed the innovative IP solution of Analyttica and addressed this field through one of the real business cases.

Self-Service, Interactive BI with “Smart OLAP” on the Cloud

Ajay Anand, Chief Product Officer at Kyvos Insights, in his talk, elaborated about how the users(BI developers)can leverage Kyvos to build future-proof architecture for growing data and BI needs. He has also explained the importance of creating a single source of truth across different businesses. Kyvos’ Smart OLAP technology allows businesses to become more productive with interactive and self-service business intelligence at enterprise scale at a fraction of the cost of their traditional architecture.

New normal with data and analytics

In this talk, Nitin Jain, Head of Customer Experience at Mondelez International took us through the new normal in data and analytics industry in the coming times during his talk at plugin 2020. He highlighted the behavioural changes that might come into the picture as a result of the new normal. “The kind of transformation that businesses are undergoing is tremendous and the changes that we may have seen in the last 2-3 months is equivalent to the changes that would have otherwise taken 20 years to happen,” says Nitin.  

AI on Shop Floor 

Sumit Guha, head of analytics at Asian Paints took us through the adoption of artificial intelligence on shop-floor and various approaches towards harnessing system-level manufacturing data to transform operations on the shop floor, at plugin 2020. Guha shares that adding new capabilities in a factory is a huge cost with machines and various functionalities that are needed to be put in place.

Health and Analytics: Tale of two Sciences

Anirban Bhaduri, Biocomputing and Data Analytics Head at Tata Chemicals discussed how the traditional definition of health and health industry has been changing for a few years now and how its expanded scope refers to the offerings and solutions from the healthcare, wellness, and nutrition industries. However, Anirban believes that Health Analytics is in its infancy and is poised to grow.

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid 

Vinay Gupta, Head of analytics at Suzion discussed the changing landscape of Electric grid Network and how India belongs to one of the world’s largest electricity grid. In this talk, he discussed what a smart grid is, applications of AI in Smart Grid and the challenges behind Smart Grid. 

The Seven Commandments of Data, Data Science and Digital Transformation failure in generating Economic Impact 

 Satyam Priyadarshy, Chief Data Scientist at Halliburton discussed not seven but eight commandments of failure that include leadership, adaptability, myriad of confusion, economic impact, first principles, emerging technology evolution, the accomplishment of the past and reactive response. 

Role of Applied AI in elevating the Customer Experience (CX) 

Somit Kapoor, VP and Global Head- Enterprise Operations Transformation (EOT) at Wipro discussed how applied AI has become an advanced automation accelerator and as a new Normal, globally organisations can rely on Hyperautomation toolset encompassing mix tech like Process Mining, RPA and AI to overcome the challenges in driving a superior Customer Experience (CX). Somit said that industries are increasingly investing in AI and amongst these industries, the companies which provide better customer experience(CX) are on the top

How concentrating on CX accelerates AI adoption and leads to disruption.

Role of data and AI in pharmaceuticals

In this talk, Inderpreet Kambo, Associate Principal at Charles River Associate focussed on how manufacturers and contract research organisations around the globe are adopting data advancements to enhance clinical development of drugs and improve overall patient care. He further discussed how the increasing availability of data is accompanied by the rapid progression of AI have impacted every aspect of medicine.

Building an AI function

John K. Thompson, Global head, advanced Analytics & AI at CSL Behring discussed the importance of analytics team in an organisation. In this talk, he explained how to select a starting point, how the analytics team evolve and grow into Hybrid organisations, what are the ways to manage this situation, among others. He also discussed the two main approaches of an advanced analytics team and how Analytical teams are dynamic and need to grow and evolve.

Making Business Intelligence Work in the Age of Digital Transformation

The last talk of the day 1 is concluded by Gregory P. Steffine Head of Analytics Enablement at KeyBank. Greg started the talk explaining the meaning of digital transformation, business intelligence and how digital transformation is at the heart of BI, value creation, its four challenges and how to overcome these challenges as well as delivering quick wins. In this talk, Greg portrait a clear picture of how the role business intelligence plays in helping decision-makers create value, what are the keys to identify and deliver quick wins that drive end-user adoption and long-lasting solutions and much more.
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