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How Artificial Intelligence Will Improve The Workforce – AllWork.Space

The misconception of artificial intelligence usually involves it taking over our jobs and safety. However, the reality is that this technology can actually benefit how we work and our well-being.
In fact, it is estimated that 85% of jobs that today’s students will be doing in 2030 haven’t been created yet. Additionally, AI has accelerated demand for positions like machine learning engineers, robotics engineers and data scientists over the last five years.
Not only is AI playing a role in creating more jobs, but it also can help improve social equality by providing more opportunities for those who cannot afford to attend expensive schools or move to larger cities.
In fact, 80% of Gen Z expect that this technology will actually create a more equitable and humane work environment by removing the bias and errors in human decision-making.

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AI could also improve the overall longevity of humans. Studies have found that nearly 20% of fatal illnesses go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. 
However, an early diagnosis can lead to recovery rates of over 90% of cancers. That is why companies like Freenome have developed blood tests powered by an AI-based platform to detect early stages of colorectal cancer.
In addition to physical health, AI can also aid in helping mental illnesses. For instance, IBM is using AI to improve psychiatric diagnosis and treatment outcomes.
Additionally, AI-powered apps have also been created to help users measure and manage their stress, as well as provide access to psychotherapy.
