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Seminar series to explore how artificial intelligence can improve healthcare – Penn State News

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Artificial intelligence offers healthcare professionals a powerful tool for transformation, from improving medical treatments to more accurately assessing risk, and from making healthcare more effective to making it more affordable. However, healthcare professionals also know that putting these AI solutions into practice for medicine and healthcare can be technologically and organizationally challenging.
“Biomedical AI and Data Sciences” is a new seminar series that aims to initiate a dialog between healthcare practitioners, clinical researchers, and AI and data science experts on strategies for realizing the promise and potential of AI in healthcare. The series, co-hosted by Penn State’s Institute for Computational and Data Sciences, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and College of Medicine, kicks off at 9 a.m. on June 8 with several brief talks from Penn State researchers, followed by a question-and-answer session.
Vasant Honavar, professor and Edward Frymoyer Chair of Information Sciences and Technology; associate director, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences; and director, Center for Artificial Intelligence Foundations and Scientific Applications (CENSAI), will offer introductory remarks, “Realizing the Promise and Potential of AI in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges.”
Invited speakers and their sessions include:   
“Machine Learning, Image Analysis, and Imaging in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease” — Presented by Gerd Bruner, associate professor of medicine, Penn State College of Medicine.
“AI-Driven Drug Discovery” — Presented by Nikolay Dokholyan, G. Thomas Passananti, professor and vice chair for research, department of pharmacology, and professor of biochemistry and molecular biology.
“Amputations in Covid-19 Patients” — Presented by Ahsan Zil E Ali, postdoctoral fellow in Faisal Aziz’s research group.
“A Cell to Society Approach to Addressing Health Disparities:  Opportunities for AI” — Presented by Jennifer Kraschnewski, professor and vice chair for research, department of medicine, and professor of public health sciences and pediatrics.
Following the initial event, session organizers intend to form a working group of Penn State researchers focused on AI and healthcare. In fall 2021, the series will feature researchers from outside of Penn State who are leading the implementation of AI in day-to-day practice. 
Follow these links to learn more, or to register.
