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Top 10 Python Machine Learning Courses to Take Up in 2022 – Analytics Insight

by Aratrika Dutta
March 25, 2022
Python machine learning courses have become an important domain for implementing machine learning algorithmsPython is the most popular programming language for data science projects. Furthermore, Python is the essential programming language utilized for a significant part of the innovative work in Machine Learning, to an extent that Python is the top programming language for Machine Learning as indicated by Github. And on the other side, machine learning is a trending topic that is popular across the globe these days. Python machine learning courses have become an important domain for implementing machine learning algorithms. This article lists the top 10 Python Machine Learning courses to take up in 2022. Machine Learning with Python – Coursera Offered by IBMThis course dives into the basics of machine learning using an approachable, and well-known programming language, Python. The main components of this course are:First, you will be learning about the purpose of Machine Learning and where it applies to the real world. Second, you will get a general overview of Machine Learning topics such as supervised vs unsupervised learning, model evaluation, and Machine Learning algorithms. Investment Management with Python and Machine Learning Specialization- CourseraOffered by EDHEC Business School The Data Science and Machine Learning for Asset Management Specialization have been designed to deliver a broad introduction to modern methods in Investment Management, with a particular emphasis on the use of data science and machine learning techniques to improve investment decisions. By the end of this specialization, you will acquire the tools required for making sound investment decisions, with an emphasis not only on the foundational theory and underlying concepts but also on practical applications and implementation. Machine Learning: Theory and Hands-on Practice with Python Specialization-CourseraOffered by University of Colorado BoulderThe Machine Learning specialization covers Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and the basics of Deep Learning. You will apply ML algorithms to real-world data, learn when to use which model and why, and improve the performance of your models. Starting with supervised learning, it will cover linear and logistic regression, KNN, Decision trees, ensembling methods such as Random Forest and Boosting, and kernel methods such as SVM. Python and Machine Learning for Asset Management- Coursera Offered by EDHEC Business School This course will enable you to master machine-learning approaches in the area of investment management. It has been designed by two thought leaders in their field, Lionel Martellini from EDHEC-Risk Institute and John Mulvey from Princeton University. Starting from the basics, they will help you build practical skills to understand data science so you can make the best portfolio decisions. Python and Machine-Learning for Asset Management with Alternative Data Sets- Coursera Offered by EDHEC Business School This is one of the best machine learning courses that introduces the core concepts around alternative data, the most recent research in this area; as well as practical portfolio examples and actual applications. The approach of this course is somewhat unique because while the theory covered is still a main component, practical lab sessions and examples of working with alternative datasets are also key. The Complete Machine Learning Course with Python- Udemy With brand new sections as well as updated and improved content, you get everything you need to master Machine Learning in one course. For this course, no machine learning is required. Although having some basic Python experience would be helpful, no prior Python knowledge is necessary as all the codes will be provided and the instructor will be going through them line-by-line and you get friendly support in the Q&A area. Python for Machine Learning- Great Learning There are several Python packages for basic data analysis and machine learning. This is one of the free machine learning courses where you will learn about two popular packages in Python: NumPy and Pandas. These are the essential foundational packages that are required for basic data manipulation. There are many python machine learning tutorials and machine learning with python courses available online to understand basic statistics and programming. Machine Learning with Python: A Practical Introduction- edXIn this course you’ll learn the difference between the two main types of machine learning methods: supervised and unsupervised, supervised learning algorithms, including classification and regression, unsupervised learning algorithms, including Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction, how statistical modeling relates to machine learning, and how to compare them, real-life examples of the different ways machine learning affects society. Python for Machine Learning – Certification CourseThis course is exhaustive and the certificate awarded is proof that you have taken a big leap in Python. Also, the knowledge you have gained from working on projects, videos, quizzes, hands-on assessments, and case studies will give you a competitive edge. Intro to Machine Learning with PythonMachine learning is the kind of programming that gives computers the capability to automatically learn from data without being explicitly programmed. This means in other words that these programs change their behavior by learning from data. The course will cover various aspects of machine learning in this tutorial. Of course, everything will be related to Python. So it is Machine Learning using Python. Share This Article
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