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Month: November 2021

The big idea: Should we worry about artificial intelligence?

The big idea: Should we worry about artificial intelligence? Could AI turn on us, or is natural stupidity a greater threat to humanity? Ever since Garry Kasparov lost his second chess match against IBM’s Deep Blue in 1997, the writing has been on the wall for humanity. Or so some like to think. Advances in…

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    Deloitte In Association With MachineHack Present Machine Learning Challenge – Analytics India Magazine

    There seems to be no end to bad loans in the country. According to the Reserve Bank of India, the overall bad loans as of March 2021 stood at INR 8.35 lakh crore, compared to INR 8.96 lakh crore in March 2020.   In a bid to solve the loan defaulter problem, Deloitte, in partnership with…

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      ExoMiner, a new machine learning method helped discover 301 exoplanets – Business Insider India

      Scientists have discovered 301 new exoplanets with the help of a new deep neural network program. ExoMiner was trained and fed with data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft to identify new exoplanets. It not only discovered new planets but also distinguished between the false ones. A new deep neural network program called “ExoMiner” is helping scientists…

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        Deloitte In Association With MachineHack Present Machine Learning Challenge – An Exclusive Online Hackathon For Data Scientists – Analytics India Magazine

        There seems to be no end to bad loans in the country. According to the Reserve Bank of India, the overall bad loans as of March 2021 stood at INR 8.35 lakh crore, compared to INR 8.96 lakh crore in March 2020.   In a bid to solve the loan defaulter problem, Deloitte, in partnership with…

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          Machine Learning Helps NASA Confirm 301 New Exoplanets – VOA Learning English

          The American space agency NASA says it has used a new technology method to help confirm the existence of 301 new exoplanets. Exoplanets are planets that orbit stars other than the sun. Before the latest discoveries, NASA had confirmed the existence of more than 4,569 such planets. Thousands of other “candidate” exoplanets have been identified….

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            MTSU Mondays: Data Science, Amazon partner to host machine learning competition – The Daily News Journal

            Through friendly competition between with a model race car and a partnership with Amazon Web Services, Middle Tennessee State University is providing hands-on learning for students.MTSU’s Data Science program fielded two teams of students in the Nov. 13 competition along with two teams from Central Magnet School in Murfreesboro and a team from Smyrna High School.Amazon provided access…

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              Artificial intelligence that understands object relationships | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT News

              When humans look at a scene, they see objects and the relationships between them. On top of your desk, there might be a laptop that is sitting to the left of a phone, which is in front of a computer monitor. Many deep learning models struggle to see the world this way because they don’t…

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                The big idea: Should we worry about artificial intelligence? – The Guardian

                The big idea: Should we worry about artificial intelligence? Could AI turn on us, or is natural stupidity a greater threat to humanity?Ever since Garry Kasparov lost his second chess match against IBM’s Deep Blue in 1997, the writing has been on the wall for humanity. Or so some like to think. Advances in artificial…

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                  How fashion industry can leverage artificial intelligence –

                  “Artificial intelligence (AI) would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing.” – Larry PageAI grants us the power to understand exactly what our consumers want, and this power, when leveraged…

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                    Artificial intelligence that understands object relationships – MIT News

                    When humans look at a scene, they see objects and the relationships between them. On top of your desk, there might be a laptop that is sitting to the left of a phone, which is in front of a computer monitor. Many deep learning models struggle to see the world this way because they don’t…

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